譯英文唔該 (要同鬼佬講下面嘅大概意思,唔要網翻)

2008-05-27 6:48 pm
我哋好明白貨期嘅重要性,不過希望你都可以理解我哋亦有其他客人嘅貨要趕,而且我哋收到 order 都要排生產時間,而家我哋接嘅 order 已經排到 8 月頭,所以安排 8 月中嘅貨期俾你已經係盡晒力。你較早前落嘅兩張單貨期都排到 8 月頭,而家呢張亦係順序排落去,希望你明白並唔係我哋故意拖長貨期,謝謝!

回答 (4)

2008-05-27 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我哋好明白貨期嘅重要性,不過希望你都可以理解我哋亦有其他客人嘅貨要趕,而且我哋收到 order 都要排生產時間,而家我哋接嘅 order 已經排到 8 月頭,所以安排 8 月中嘅貨期俾你已經係盡晒力。你較早前落嘅兩張單貨期都排到 8 月頭,而家呢張亦係順序排落去,希望你明白並唔係我哋故意拖長貨期,謝謝!
We are fully understand the importantce of the delivery period, but wish you understand we have other clients' order to follow up too. Also once we recieved an order, we have to arrange it in orders. Our order is now up to early August. and we tried our best to arrange your delivery period on mid August. Your two pevious orders had been arranged on early August, and this order is just according to the orders. We wish you understand we don't want to make any delay of your products. Thank you very much!
參考: myslef
2008-05-28 12:09 am
We realize your desire of early delivery of your order, and we would like to inform you that we operate on an order-to-production basis. The current orders on hand are scheduled for delivery in early August, and thus we have been very accommodating in expediting your order for delivery in mid-August. Your two earlier orders are scheduled for early August delivery, and your new order will be prioritized in the order received. We appreciate your understanding that we are not holding off delivery of your new order.
2008-05-27 7:37 pm
We deeply understand the importance of the date of delivery, but we hope that you could understand our situation. We have too many clients hurrying the date of delivery at the same time. Besides, we have to arrange the queue time after recieving the orders. Now the orders we have recieved are queued until the beginning of August, including two from your company previously. Therefore, I would like to inform you that your new order for us is only following the sequence.
We apologise for this and we wish that you could understand we are not trying to delay the date of delivery. Thank you!
參考: 100% 人腦翻譯
2008-05-27 7:27 pm
we do understand the importance of your "day of delivery". but kindly consider our other clients as we have to arrange suitable production date on queue. at the moment, our production orders already rank till early August. So mid of August is our guarantee date for your side. the 2 purchasing orders that u placed earlier did scheduled on early Aug. so your upcoming order has to be due in mid Aug on sequence. hope you may understand our necessary arrangement. we have no intention to delay your order what so ever. your kind understanding is fully appreciated! thanks you!

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