我想要以書信形式既 penfriend
但係我可以從咩野 way 去搵
邊到有d reliable 既 agency 去幫我而收費又唔會太昂貴的?
而且我想要個 UK 既 penfriend 的
雖然我知道有個荷蘭的 penfriend agency ,But 係唔係 only make fd with the fd in Holland only but not other countries like what i want Uk ?
希望你地可以用d personal experience or 介紹一d agency to help me~!
and pls don't copy from other post as i have already read them all~! Thank you~!!!
PS. 我想要的係書信既 penfd but not those contact by email ~
Thank YOu so much~!!