Responsible for causing the outbreak of the first world war!

2008-05-27 5:02 am
which 2 countries should be mainly responsible for causing the outbreak of
the first world war!
i think it should be germany .
what are the other country??
but how can i write an essay about my opinion,
what are the points that i should write
could u tell me

回答 (1)

2008-05-27 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I took the 2008 AL History exam, so I hope I can help you.

Which two countries should be mainly responsible for causing WW1? I think it should be Germany and Austria-Hungary.

Austria-Hungary first, she annexed Bosnia-Heregovina in the Bosnian Crisis although Bosnia contained a large number of Serbs. She also refused to negotitate with Serbia after the Sarajevo assassination even though Serbia was willing to accept most of the demands in the ultimatum. Moreover, the time limit she gave Serbia to consider the ultimatum was short. therefore, Serbia could only ask the support of Russia.

as for Germany, she tried to provoke conflicts in the pre-war crisis. For example, the Moroccan Crisis, she declared Morocco to be independent and worsened the relationship with France and Britain. Later, she competed with Britain in building dreadnoughts which challenged her naval supremacy. In the Sarajevo Assassination, she even gave the blank cheque to Austria and so, Austria was so confident that she refused to negotiate with Serbia.

I hope all these points can help you.
參考: me

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