下面依封係果間學校俾我的 mail ,
我想講佢俾的資料幫到我好多,同埋我sorry for 我而家先reply到佢。
仲有就係我sure我2009年可以畢到業,2009年6月可以完晒成個high diploma,但只係學校的畢業證書係唔會好快出到俾我地。
請幫我寫得有禮貌d去reply佢 。 THANKS *
We are sorry for our slow reply.
We understand that you will have an access to the university (Bachelor's degree
program) in Hong Kong upon completion of Higher Diploma in 2009, but would
you please confirm? If so, you can apply for Regular status (entering as a
Freshman) for September Admissions 2009 and its application period starts in
December 2008. The updated brochure for Admissions 2009 will be available
online in summer this year, so please make sure to obtain and read through it
before applying.
In place of HKALE result, we would like you to submit the academic record of
your higher diploma programme as the Educational Certification in addition to the
result of HKCEE. IELTS can only be considered as the proof of English proficiency,
which is one of the other documents we require. When taking IELTS, please take
the academic module and arrange the result to be sent directly to ICU. The minimum
required score for IELTS is 6.5.