
2008-05-27 4:27 am

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2008-05-27 6:31 am
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舞獅 Lion Dance

舞龍 Dragon Dance

舞火龍 Fire Dargon Dance

舞麒麟 Unicorn Dance
Lion is thought to be stood for auspicious sign, it symbolizes propitious and will bring good luck. It also stands for justice, and turns violence to calmness, drives away evil.

According to district, lion dance could be classified as southern lion and northern lion. Master Ha was the first in the southern China to introduce a new style of lion dancing with a fusion of the southern style lion heads with northern style lion tails and steps. He adopted the size of the southern lion and the deftness of the jumping skills of northern lion. And Yau Kung Mun martial art is even more concern about the difficulty of the performance skills. And the skills of “Choy Chang” is organized ingeniously, the motions are bold, creative, breathtaking and surprising, taking the breaths away from the audiences.

The climax of the lion dance performance is “Choy Chang”. “Chang” is lettuce, and it sounds like “gaining wealth”in Chinese. The lion performs “Choy Chang”represents prosperity. “Choy Chang” has different formations, and Shaolin Poles formation is the most difficult. Yau Kung Mun martial arts have a unique “High Pole Choy Chang”. Performers spin three times on the top of a single pole and leap; this intensifies the difficulty of the performance.
參考: 夏漢雄體育會網頁 +ME
2008-05-27 5:32 am
Lion dance,因為啊媽教我。
2008-05-27 5:01 am
Lion dance
Lion dance
2008-05-27 4:30 am
Lion dance, that is widely used in western country, also use dragon dance for dragon.

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