
2008-05-27 4:19 am
Suggest TWO possible solutions besides increasing child tax allowance for the HKSAR government to solve the social problem which mentioned in question (b)

question (b):If Hong Kong people have longer life,what social problem will occur? this question no need to answer

THX!!!!!!XD ^^

回答 (2)

2008-05-27 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

首先呢, 啉下點解話人口老化會做成問題呀?
唔係話老ge人有幾多幾多就算多, 而只係一個比較, 當老化ge人無能力生產, 仲要等人照顧, 就會有社會ge負擔.
除左鼓勵生育, 如果老人家再唔係社會負擔呢? 佢地睇起上泥無生產力啫, 實質又真係咩?
有好多老人, 都好有錢, 或者至少有一d儲蓄, 只係佢地唔識enjoy.
所以向台灣, 日本, 都有專揾老人錢ge事業.
我啉只要鼓勵呢d事業, 等老人可以有好生活, 而佢地ge錢又成為社會ge資金. 呢個都算係一種生產力呀. 係咪.
2008-05-27 7:06 pm
1. Relax immigration restrictions into Hong Kong. 2. Subsidise ( in form of MONEY) parents to give birth such as to reduce the burden of the parents.

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