
2008-05-26 11:14 pm
有一個心理醫生,在治療一個心理不正常的小孩。 有一天,這個小孩哭鬧著說:「我要吃蚯蚓。」醫生聽了,便說:「為什麼要吃蚯蚓?」 小孩說:「因為那個是麵條。」
為了要找出這個小孩心理不正常的原因, 醫生便叫說護士到外面的花園挖了一團蚯蚓回來。
醫生說:「蚯蚓來了!你吃呀!」 小孩說:「不要!我要油炸的」。
為了找出他心理偏差的原因,便又叫護士去將蚯蚓油炸。 炸好了,醫生端著盤子,拿給小孩,醫生說:「來~吃吧!」 小孩說:「我只要吃一條,另一條要醫生吃!」
小孩這時又接著說:「醫生要先吃,我才要吃!」 這下,換醫生頭大了...

一天在錄影廠裏小明的手機響了,是他老婆老婆問:講!你今日係唔係放假?小明說:宜家係廠拍緊監獄景,全部都係仔老婆又說:你咪再講大話,你去第二個女人!小明又說:真係無呃你,成廠可以做證老婆非常憤怒:你講大話,剛剛你個女打電話俾你, 咪係個女人聽電話,無端端邊度會有女人

回答 (3)

2008-05-27 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
A Psychiatrist was treating a child with mental disorder. One day, the child whined and said he wanted to eat earthworms. When asked about the reason, the child said he thought the earthworms were threads of noodle.
Eager to find out what was wrong with the child's mind, the Psychiatrist had the nurse dig up some earthworms from the garden.
When told his treat was ready, the child still whined and demanded the earthworms to be deep-fried.
The Psychiatrist found the child very strange. Determined to find out the cause of disorder, he had the nurse deep-fry the earthworms. When it was done, he put the earthworms before the child and asked him to eat them. The child said he would eat one of them, and he wanted the Psychiatrist to eat another one.
The Psychiatrist tried to think of ways to make the child eat the worm first. But the child spoke first, demanding the Psychiatrist to eat first, or he would not eat.
Determined to cure the mental illness of the child, the Psychiatrist finally brought himself into eat one of the fried earthworms, only to hear a louder cry from the child.
The child said, "You've eaten the one I wanted. I want no more now".

The woman on the phone
The cell phone of Ming went off when he was working at the studio. It was his wife who asked if he was on leave that day. Ming explained that he was shooting a prison scene in the studio and the cast was entirely men.
His wife did not believe him. "Minutes ago our daughter called you on your cell phone. It was a woman who picked up. How dare you lie to me!".

2008-05-26 16:00:41 補充:
The couple argued on the phone for quite a while. Ming could stand no more and said, "I have to work. We all turn off cell phones in the studio and I'll do the same now."

2008-05-26 16:00:53 補充:
After they both hung up, the four-year-old daughter of Ming called Ming's cell phone again, and told her mother it was a women who answered.

2008-05-26 16:01:08 補充:
Ming's wife rushed out to take the phone, only to hear a recorded message in a woman's voice, "The person you have called is not available now. Please try later".
2008-05-27 4:59 am
A Psychiatrist was treating a child with mental disorder. One day, the child whined and said he wanted to eat earthworms. When asked about the reason, the child said he thought the earthworms were threads of noodle.

Eager to find out what was wrong with the child&#39;s mind, the Psychiatrist had the nurse dig up some earthworms from the garden.

When told his treat was ready, the child still whined and demanded the earthworms to be deep-fried.

The Psychiatrist found the child very strange. Determined to find out the cause of disorder, he had the nurse deep-fry the earthworms. When it was done, he put the earthworms before the child and asked him to eat them. The child said he would eat one of them, and he wanted the Psychiatrist to eat another one.

The Psychiatrist tried to think of ways to make the child eat the worm first. But the child spoke first, demanding the Psychiatrist to eat first, or he would not eat.

Determined to cure the mental illness of the child, the Psychiatrist finally brought himself into eat one of the fried earthworms, only to hear a louder cry from the child.

The child said, &quot;You&#39;ve eaten the one I wanted. I want no more now&quot;.

The woman on the phone

The cell phone of Ming went off when he was working at the studio. It was his wife who asked if he was on leave that day. Ming explained that he was shooting a prison scene in the studio and the cast was entirely men.

His wife did not believe him. &quot;Minutes ago our daughter called you on your cell phone. It was a woman who picked up. How dare you lie to me!&quot;.

I don&#39;t know that they right!!!
參考: 希望可以幫到你La~
2008-05-27 3:27 am
Some psychologist, is treating a psychological not normal child. One day, this child made a tearful scene was saying: “I must eat the earthworm.”Doctor has listened, then said: “why can eat the earthworm?” The child said: “because that is the noodles.” For must discover this child psychology not normal reason, doctor then called saying that dug a group earthworm the nurse to the outside garden to come back. Doctor said: “the earthworm came! You eat!” The child said: “does not want! I must fry in oil”. Doctor thought that this child, is how so strange! In order to discover his psychology deviation&#39;s reason, is called the nurse to go to fry in oil the earthworm. Exploded, the medicine was stirring up trouble the tray, took for the child, doctor said: “comes ~ to eat!” The child said: “I, so long as eats one, another wants the medicine to eat uncooked!” Doctor said thought that manages him, deceived him to eat first said again. The child then said by now: “doctor wants to eat first, I only then must eat!” Then, traded doctor to be big. In order to rescue this child, finally, doctor has to brace oneself, an earthworm for will eat! Suddenly, the child starts to inundate the number to cry. Cried while saying:“you that earthworm which must eat me for have eaten, I do not eat. &gt; &lt; ” doctor: “@#$% ︿&﹀
參考: me

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