
2008-05-26 9:30 pm
試從微觀角度 ( in microscopic view ) 解釋。

To andytsui2001 : 我就是想知道為何 energy flow from「high potential」to low potential 會快過 energy flow from「very high potential」to low potential.


講錯,係: 為何 energy flow from「very high potential」to low potential 會快過 energy flow from「high potential」to low potential.

回答 (2)

2008-06-01 4:25 am
The higher the temperature, the more vigorous is the vibration of molecules in an object. That is to say, molecules in hot objects vibrate with a larger amplitude than molecules in cold objects.

Therefore, when two objects with different temperature are put in contact, molecules vibrating with larger amplitudes (hot object) tend to [drag off] molecules vibratiing with smaller amplitudes (cold object) by intermolecular force, until the amplitudes of vibration of molecules in the two objects are the same. That is, they are at the same temperature.

The higher the difference in temperature between the two objects, the larger is the difference in vinrational amplitudes of molecules in the objects. The [dragging] by intermolecular force would then be more severe. Obviously, such strong [dragging force] tends to shorten the time for all molecules to attain the same vibrational amplitudes, thus arriving at the same temperature.

[p.s. apart from the amplitude of vibration, the frequency of vibration of molecules would also be higer in high temperature objects]
2008-05-30 1:17 am
since the equation of each partical is 2/3KT. The K.E depends on the temperture only. If the temperture diffierence is very large, it means one possess more energy(high temperture) and the other possess less energy (low temperture). As we know that energy flow from high body to low body one, therefore, the flow rate of heat will be faster. The important thing is that heat is equal to energy. High energy acts as a high potential and low energy acts as low potential, so energy flow from high potential to low potential.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:25:43
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