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Of course it does. Liberal democracy is the form of government which pervail after the Cold war (Fukuyama, "The end of history"). Without democracy, the liberties which those mainland people claim to be enjoying is merely "a relaxation from slavery, not a definition of liberty." (Skinner)
Democracy means the 'rule of the people' and there are many different conceptions of democracy. Nevertheless, they all involve elections (and the people acquire power through accepting or rejecting their leaders.)
"多黨制在發達資本主義國家也正在走向消亡。 許多國家選民投票率持續不到50%,表明多數人民已經厭惡這種民 主了..." This is simply a mis- conception of western democracies. There are many different reasons for low voting turnouts (eg the registation procedure may reduce/ increase turnouts, how do you calculate turnouts, and the increase in direct action like protests etc); disliking democracy is certainly not the most important one.
For everyone who advocates (including the author of that article in the opinion section) "走中國特色旳民主道路", please tell me what kind of 民主 or government have you got in mind?
To democratise China, we can't just introduce election today. Preconditions for democracy (advocated by scholars like Sorensen) are to be fulfilled. They include economic development, political culture, and actors. The problem with China now is that the people are still not enjoying enough liberty (eg internet is censored), so maybe China will fufil most of the preconditions but it would not have actors (as people have no incentive or mean to challenge the government.)
So I think the first step before introducing election to China, is to gradually increase the liberties which the people are enjoying. Only then can democratisation be achieved.