
2008-05-26 7:52 pm
Does China have a need for democratic reform? and how?

回答 (4)

2008-06-01 4:09 pm
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Of course it does. Liberal democracy is the form of government which pervail after the Cold war (Fukuyama, "The end of history"). Without democracy, the liberties which those mainland people claim to be enjoying is merely "a relaxation from slavery, not a definition of liberty." (Skinner)

Democracy means the 'rule of the people' and there are many different conceptions of democracy. Nevertheless, they all involve elections (and the people acquire power through accepting or rejecting their leaders.)

"多黨制在發達資本主義國家也正在走向消亡。 許多國家選民投票率持續不到50%,表明多數人民已經厭惡這種民 主了..." This is simply a mis- conception of western democracies. There are many different reasons for low voting turnouts (eg the registation procedure may reduce/ increase turnouts, how do you calculate turnouts, and the increase in direct action like protests etc); disliking democracy is certainly not the most important one.

For everyone who advocates (including the author of that article in the opinion section) "走中國特色旳民主道路", please tell me what kind of 民主 or government have you got in mind?

To democratise China, we can't just introduce election today. Preconditions for democracy (advocated by scholars like Sorensen) are to be fulfilled. They include economic development, political culture, and actors. The problem with China now is that the people are still not enjoying enough liberty (eg internet is censored), so maybe China will fufil most of the preconditions but it would not have actors (as people have no incentive or mean to challenge the government.)

So I think the first step before introducing election to China, is to gradually increase the liberties which the people are enjoying. Only then can democratisation be achieved.
2008-05-30 4:05 am
從網友轉載, 看到篇很值得看的有水準文章:

別用西方價值解讀中國民主 - 一場有意思的辯論
2008-05-29 4:52 pm
不必要 !! 中國已經愈來愈民主, 愈來愈進步 !!
2008-05-28 1:25 am
首先, 請要誤解民主改革是要全部人民出來作主, 作當家改革國家. 那麼多人作主, 國家一定混亂, 就像民國初期, 群雄割據, 七國咁亂 , 群雄無首!!! 難道這就是民主嗎 ? 有些人認為民主在美國是極成功, 要做漢奸都要盡快將中國急步進行民主改革. 需知, 民主大國,美國政府以民主改革為名,行操控別國之實!
中國的政治體制改革並非必須改革成西方多黨制議會民主 ,多黨制在發達資本主義國家也正在走向消亡。 許多國家選民投票率持續不到50%,表明多數人民已經厭惡這種民 主了! 政制改革 首先黨內民主 ... 走中國特色旳民主道路. 「改革是為了更好地建設社會主義。
中國實際上巳經進行民主改革多年, 人民生活比以往自由得多, 但為甚麼還有人會認為自己無自由呢,那是因為他們享受太多的自由,人類本是不應該有過多的自由,你認為共產黨的那種是無自由嗎?不,那才是最合適人類的自由,在中國,限制只是限於政治上面,你認為普通的老百牲需要嗎? 他們衹需要生活温飽就滿足了, 他們不需要一個分成幾個派別, 每天都在吵架的政府吧?你認為他們需要一個每幾年就換人,換方針,做到一半就要停的政府嗎?
一個黨派,一個國家才是最好的中國政府呀!沒有現在的中國政府, 我們會有2008北京奧運, 會有太空船登陸月球嗎?
參考: Yahoo

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