
2008-05-26 9:00 am
四川地震後的感想快!!!! (要英文)

回答 (2)

2008-05-30 8:00 am
When I saw the Sichuan compatriot suffers distress, in my heart a
little not relieved feeling. I am only the ordinary person, cannot
render the biggest assistance, extremely regretted. On the television,
saw these fearful pictures, the people pass lose family member's
scene, all makes me feel the local disaster victims's situation. But
the Chinese compatriots all stretch out aid, improves the life for the
native, premiers all pays no attention to other business, only pays
attention to Sichuan the disaster situation, makes me feel also has
the human sentiment under the disaster the existence.
2008-05-26 11:48 am
I think it is so sad, because a lot of the children lost their parent and friends in this accident. The
government did a beautiful job in there too, they did what they can to save the people with their hands.

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