幫忙英翻中(關於PC Network)

2008-05-26 9:00 am
Access Methods

The Function of Access Methods

Traffic Control on the Cable
Multiple computers must share access to the cable that connects them. However, if two computers were to put data onto the cable at the same time, the data packets from one computer would collide with the packets from the other computer, and both sets of data packets would be destroyed. Figure 3.1 shows what happens when two computers try to access the network at the same time.

If data is to be sent over the network from one user to another, or accessed from a server, there must be some way for the data to access the cable without running into other data. And the receiving computer must have reasonable assurance that the data has not been destroyed in a data collision during transmission.

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2008-05-26 3:11 pm
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多部電腦一定要分享接觸連接他們的電纜。 然而,如果二部電腦將同時在電纜之上放資料,來自一部電腦的資料小包將會以來自另一個電腦的小包碰撞,而且資料小包的兩者組將會被破壞。圖 3.1 顯示發生什麼事當二部電腦試著同時取得網路的時候。

資料是在從一個使用者到另外一的網路之上被送或者從一個伺服器被取得, 資料一定有一些方法沒有陷入其他的資料取得電纜。而且接受電腦一定要有合理的保證,「資料還沒有被資料碰撞傳輸期間破壞」。

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