Kidney Infection?

2008-05-25 7:54 pm
4 days ago i started getting a rather severe pain in my lower back on both sides, and some dicomfort when urinating does this sound like a kidney infection? I havn't been able to see a dctor because of the weekend and now the bank holiday ....

回答 (8)

2008-05-25 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think it could be...I once had a urinary track infection that I didn't get treated and it moved to my kidneys. Your lower back will feel very uncomfortable. Nothing eases the pain...sitting, standing, laying, walking..ect. I suggest buying some 100% cranberry juice and drink only that. It cleans out your system. Do this only until you can see a Dr. It may help with the discomfort when urinating. They also make AZO cranberry tablets that can help. I don't have any suggestions to ease the pain of the kidney issue though sorry! Hope this helps and defiantly get to a Dr. asap!!
2008-05-25 8:00 pm
Go to walk-in clinic or go to emergency. It sounds like it could be either a urinary tract infection or bladder/kidney infection. Either way, you need to take antibiotics. Go right away. Don't wait.
2016-09-22 11:08 am
參考: Improve Kidney Function Today -
2016-09-07 1:21 pm
There must be a leaflet within the field that tells you approximately the viable facet results, have a learn and spot what it says. Some antibiotics you are taking with meals, a few earlier than meals so make certain you comply with the instructions as advised.
2008-05-25 8:57 pm
Sounds like you are on track...depending on your age...if you are over 35 it could even be kidney stones. this will cause more pain in the back...and itis very painfull for males.
Some times if it is a u.t.i urinary tract infection your urine will have a strong smell or you can see blood in the urine..if you start to run a fever its time to get in to see someone. try a local emergency care ctr...they dont charge much more than an office can get over the counter meds that will relieve the discomfort..aso pharmacist. but it will not clear the info..only anitbiotics will should drink as much water as possible and cranberry juice works also...
2008-05-25 8:04 pm
I agree it sounds like a kidney infection, try and see your doctor as soon as you can, a course of antibiotics is what you will probably need
2008-05-25 8:02 pm
It does sound like a kidney and/or bladder infection. In the meantime, have some cranberry juice and grapefruit juice. They are natural remedies for this kind of condition. And then go see the doctor as soon as possible.
2008-05-25 8:00 pm
Sounds like your right you'd better get to it asap.

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