How can I make the best use of my old newspaper?

2008-05-25 4:18 pm
I used to collect old newspapers and then sell them to the recycling center for $1 per each 100 lbs. At today's gas prices, the gas alone would more than eat up any potential profits. To dump them as trash would have been a waste of natural resources. I don't have a wood burning stove or furnace, otherwise I would have burned them as fuel. Newspapers are too tough to be used as toilet paper, and they tend to clog up the drain. Please help me save our trees and our forests.

回答 (4)

2008-05-27 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can use newspaper as a weed barrier which works great this time of year. All you have to do is dampen it and lay it on the ground. Then apply top soil or mulch over it and it will block weeds until it composts back into the ground! Spread the word to your neighbors and maybe they will take some off your hands for the same purpose.
2008-05-25 11:58 pm
Start a compost pile. Get some heavy wire wire and you don't need to do anything but put it up and bend the ends together. A 2 inch by 1 inch mesh wire will work.
Get grass clippings to make the compost with the newspaper.
2008-05-25 11:42 pm
In the "old days" we use to have newspaper drives.

Check with your local elementary school to see if that kind of thing is still being done. It's a ood way to dispose of it and the kids would be learning about recycling at an early age :)
2008-05-25 11:26 pm
If you have the space and a garden, you can compost the black-and-white pages of the newspaper. Otherwise, why not just wait until you have enough paper to make it worthwhile to go to the recycling center? Also, ask your trash company if they collect things for recycling. You may have to get certain bins from them or something. If you can't, ask some of our friends if they have a recycling bin and bring the newspapers with you when you go to their house so they can be recycled.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 14:24:41
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