Why can't Family Guy come up with their own material?

2008-05-25 8:40 am
Stewie is a rip off http://familyguysteals.blogspot.com/2006/03/gee-who-does-this-look-like.html
They steal from the simpsons

They even try to steal from older entertainers so that people will think that they made the jokes up themselves...

And they still can't even produce a good show!!

And look how many times a FG episode has been picked as the worst episode of the week by the PTC.

So, why do people act like it's the greatest show around and why can''t they come up with their own material?

You both are idiots, didn't sputhpark teach you anything? Geez some people are hopelessly stupid, I swear!!!

回答 (9)

2008-05-26 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
because it's written by manatees?? manatees aren't very original.
2008-05-25 8:55 am
I'm gonna be honest with you, I like Family Guy, I think it's funny I think now, it's getting a bit repetitive but as for the stealing from old entertainers, my opinion, Seth MacFarlane is not "stealing" from them, if anything he's MAKING FUN OF THEM. It's a comedy, yeah some of the topics they use are...a bit questionable but really, lighten up, get over it. You don't like the show but obviously a lot more people than you like it. Why else did Fox bring it back after it went into syndication, the ratings were ridiculous. People want to see this show so get over it, watch something else......They were stealing from Star Wars too by making the Blue Harvest video right....It's called a spoof deal with it.
2008-05-25 8:51 am
First of all family guy is a very funny show and the answer above me is right no one forces you to watch it and if you dont like it go **** yourself.
參考: The guy who posted this question mother.
2008-05-25 8:45 am
No one forces you to watch it. and its not like my favorite show or anything, but I think family guy is significantly better than the simpsons.
2008-05-25 8:44 am
no they can. family guy is far better than the simpsons.
2008-05-25 10:30 am
its kinda impossible to not steal from the simpsons because they've done everything. its a funny show if you like pythonesque like sketches. its not better than the simpsons its just they started repeating themselves long ago and the show is starting to go a bit stale. any way i like south park more than any of them.
2008-05-26 6:47 am
It's sad that you have to resort to name calling let alone asking the same question every week word for word now isn't it Mats O?


you never get anyone who takes your side or shares your point of view and it looks like you've probably been suspended or such for this repeatative abusive behaviour.

Again, Family Guy is not the only TV show in the history of TV shows to have ever "borrowed" someone else's materials.

It's a great show, get over yourself and if you don't like it don't watch it.
2008-05-25 11:06 am
family GAY just sucks,they can't come with an original idea if the idea was in their mind for the remainder of their lives.
2008-05-25 10:22 am
i couldn't agree more, if you hate that show just don't watch it. And in my opinion Family guy is WAYYY better that Simpsons.

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