
2008-05-26 7:01 am

回答 (6)

2008-05-26 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
緣份 is a very beautiful word in Chinese but English only has a few words that mean the similar thing:
You'll hear these lines in movies alot, between a man and a woman or friends etc:
'I believe in fate/destiny, which has brought us together.'
Hope that helps.
參考: Me
2008-06-03 7:39 am
緣份的英文 :Yuanfen 因為緣份是中國文化的詞彙,所以它的英文是中文拼音...
參考: Wikipedia
2008-05-26 7:07 am
1.feeling of affinity
2.the lot or luck by which people are brought together
2017-03-04 6:51 pm
fate is by god
destiny is by choice
karma is by man
while what a man did can produce good or bad karma
when a karma triggering a test, it will require your answer.
when the time comes for that karma, it is called Yaun.
if you answer it and let the test happen, it is called fen.

-- that means, if a girl meet you it can mean Yaun, while if you both did nothing it means "no fen"

if you fullfill the test and lead you to a good result, it is called "circle"

-- that means, if she marry you and you both live a good life, it is a full "circle" for both of you.

while at the same time, life cycle go continue in circle is also good becayse the world is not come to an end.
2008-05-26 3:22 pm

2008-05-31 16:42:42 補充:
2008-05-26 7:45 am

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