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The word philosophy literally means love of wisdom;this tells us something about the nature of philosophy, but not much.How does philosophy differ from other disciplines that seek wisdom? Alook at the historical development of the field will help us to answerthis question. On the standard way of telling the story, humanity'sfirst systematic inquiries took place within a mythological orreligious framework: wisdom ultimately was to be derived from sacredtraditions and from individuals thought to possess privileged access toa supernatural realm. However, starting in the sixth century BCE, thereappeared in ancient Greece a series of thinkers whose inquiries werecomparatively secular. Presumably, these thinkers conducted theirinquiries through reason and observation, rather than through traditionor revelation. These thinkers were the first philosophers. Althoughthis picture is admittedly simplistic, the basic distinction has stuck:philosophy in its most primeval form is considered nothing less thansecular inquiry itself.