chemistry MC --help

2008-05-26 1:41 am
About 2kg of sugar can dissolved in 1L of water with 25oC . However, about 5kg of sugar can dissolve in 1L of water with 100oC. What conclusion can be drawn?
A. sugar is a good solute.
B. water is a good solvent.
C. The solute dissolves in the solvent.
D. The solubility of a solute increases as temperature increases.

P.S. Please also explain the answer 而點解又不是其他ans.

回答 (3)

2008-05-29 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is C & D. The phenomenon showed obviously the sugar can dissolve in water and it can dissolves more sugar as the temperature increases.
A. "Sugar is a good solute." We assumed that good solute means substances withgood solubility. The sentence is wrong since there is no information to compare sugar with any other solute. So, it is hard to tell sugar is a good solute or not.
B. "Water is a good solvent." We assumed that good solvent can dissolve a large amount of solute. The sentence is again wrong since we never compare the water with other solvent in dissolving the sugar. So, it is hard to tell water is a good solvent.
C. The definition of solute is substance dissolving into the bulk substance which is refering to solvent. In the phenomenon described here, it clearly demonstrates the solute dissolves in the solvent. so, the sentence C is valid.
D. The phenomenon shows that with the increase in temperature, the water can dissolve more sugar in the same amount. It indicates the solubility of the water is increased as the temperature increases.

2008-05-28 16:58:45 補充:
D is more related to the phenomenon. C is actually a fact. If one answer can be chosen, please choose D.
參考: me
2008-05-26 8:39 pm
Ans: D

WHY ???

Because as the temperature increases , the kinetic energy of the particle also increases , so the greater the number of collision having energy greater or equal to the activation energy .Hence,resulted in faster the rate of reaction (more sugar can be dissolved)
參考: me
2008-05-26 1:50 am
其實ABC都是對的 '
不過 只有D可以解釋呢個現象

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