貿易terms, 請大家幫手!

2008-05-26 1:01 am
我想揾D書可以解釋到信用狀(LC), 出口貿易(Export Trade, D/A, D/A), OBLG or PL...etc.

呢D terms 代表D乜嘢, 有乜作用...等等

UCP 最update version喺咪仲UCP 600?

有冇書名? 邊D書局可以揾到呢D書?


回答 (1)

2008-05-26 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are many books in this topic:

go to HK public library to take some to read :


You can use the keyword : 出入口

There are some books such as : 出入口ABC, 出入口貿易實務問答

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