
2008-05-25 10:59 am
1. 佢岩岩撞瘀左個大腿.
2. 佢用晒D厠紙,又唔肯買返D新既,真係頂佢唔順
3. 你做咩成日都出夜街?
4. 你個國家有D咩好玩既地方?係盛產D咩架??


回答 (3)

2008-05-25 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 佢岩岩撞瘀左個大腿. - He/she has just bumped (碰,撞) his/her thigh and left a bruise(瘀傷)

2. 佢用晒D厠紙,又唔肯買返D新既,真係頂佢唔順 - He always uses up the toilet roll (成捲厠紙) but never buys a new one for replacement. I can't stand him anymore.
真係頂佢唔順 - I can't stand him anymore./I can stand him no more./I can't put up with this (忍受,容忍) anymore.

如果想話佢係cheap精﹐可以講: He is such a cheap skate./He is cheap.

3. 你做咩成日都出夜街? - Why do you always go out late at night?

4. 你個國家有D咩好玩既地方?係盛產D咩架?? - Are there any fun and exciting places in your country? Is there any produce (盛產) your country is known for?
參考: 我在美國碩士學生
2008-05-25 5:16 pm
1.He/She got a bruise on his thigh.

2.He/She used all the tissues/toilet papers and didn't want to buy them.I really can't stand him/her.

3.Why do you always go out so late?

4.What's so fun about your country?What is it famous for?
2008-05-25 12:16 pm
1.He just bump his left thigh and he got a bruise.
2.He used up all the tissue and doesn't want to buy any, I can stand him anymore.
3. Why you always go out at night?
4.Any interest stuffs(things) in your country? What kind of stuff they make there?
參考: myself

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