
2008-05-25 10:26 am

以上句子我想要英文,答案要有禮貌喲ge,thx! 如果我中文打得吾通順請指證!

我重想要一喲服務行業用到ge簡單句子(要有解釋) .感謝!

回答 (2)

2008-05-25 10:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I am sorry, My English is not that good.
2. I only know some simple sentences or words.
3. I am sorry, the department has been closed.
4. I am sorry, the department of the attendants to work.
5. If you don't mind, I can service you.
6. Very happy to service you .
7. I am sorry, you can add some action to explain it «I do not quite understand.
8. I am sorry, I do not know too deep for these.
2008-05-25 10:46 am
1. I am so sorry, I don't speak english very well.
2. I can only speak simple english
3. I am so sorry, the XXX department has already closed
4. I am so sorry, but our workers are all off.
5. If you don't mind I can serve for you.
6. It's my pleasure to serve for you.
7. Excues me, can you explain one more time because I couldn't understand.
8. I am so sorry, I am not good at this. If you don't mind I may help you to ask for it, please wait a moment.
參考: I just transfer them in my english, they are not the very best answers but still you can use them as a reference

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