How can i Factor 8x^3 +27 ?

2008-05-25 7:38 am
how can i factor this as there is no GCF betwen the two ?

回答 (5)

2008-05-25 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
use sum of cubes.

a^3 + b^3 = (a + b)(a^2 - ab + b^2)

(2x)^3 + 3^3 = (2x + 3)(4x^2 - 6x + 9)
2008-05-25 7:49 am
well 27 has a 3root, sorry forgot what it is actually called, so 3root(8x+3)
its the sum of perfect cube, use this formula:

a^3 + b^3 = (a + b) (a^2 - ab + b^2)

8x^3 + 27

= 2^3x^3 + 3^3

= (2x)^3 + 3^3

= (2x + 3) (4x^2 - 6x + 9)
2008-05-25 7:47 am
a^3 + b^3 = (a + b)(a^2 - ab + b^2)

8x^3 + 27
= (2x + 3)(4x^2 - 6x + 9)
2008-05-25 7:44 am
2008-05-25 7:42 am
a³ + b³ = (a+b)(a²-ab+b²)

8x³ + 27
= (2x)³ + 3³
= (2x+3)((2x)² - 3(2x) + 3²)
= (2x+3)(4x²-6x+9)

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