F.3 chem about bonding ?????

2008-05-25 5:11 am
1.why helium has weak van der waal's force?

2. Except simple molecular structure 的 substabces,仲有什麼是有

weak van der waal's force?

咁係唔係所有 noble gases 都有 weak van der waal's force?


回答 (2)

2008-05-25 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. why helium has weak van der waal's force?

Ans: Because helium has a simple molecular structure...(depend on the no of mark of the qn , if 1 marks just say it has simple molecular structure)

2. Except simple molecular structure 的 substabces,仲有什麼是有

weak van der waal's force?

Ans : graphite

3.咁係唔係所有 noble gases 都有 weak van der waal's force?

Ans : yup, All gases are simple molecules... so they have van der waal's forces...

4.helium is insert ,but why can still join with other elements?

Ans: Assuming He is present in other compounds... den could b bcos of induced dipole attractions...

2008-05-25 13:08:31 補充:
van der walls force is basically the intermolecular force the molecules have for one another

2008-05-25 13:12:37 補充:
for simple molecular molecules, it's not the covalent, but van de waals.....which is divided into permanet dipole dipole , induced dipole dipole, and hydrogen bonding

2008-05-25 13:12:50 補充:
For giant covalent, it is the covalent force
2008-05-25 7:01 am
1)所有分子與分子之間都有weak van der waal's force.

2)係「SIMPLE」 molecular structure 先有 「WEAK」 van der waal's force。van der waal's force會隋分子質量增加。

所以,較more complex既分子就會有較強既van der waal's force。

咁係唔係所有 noble gases 都有 weak van der waal's force?


helium is insert ,but why can still join with other elements?

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