
2008-05-25 4:01 am
用紅菜頭白磨菇煮通粉, 的营養成份?

回答 (1)

2008-05-25 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案


補血。協助肝臟細胞再生,有解毒的功能。紅菜頭含豐富的鉀、磷、鐵及天然紅色維他命B12,是婦女和素食者補血最佳天然營養品。它的纖維頗高,亦能幫助消 化,促進腸胃蠕動。





Beetroot has for many years been used as a treatment for cancer in Europe. Specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red colouring matter which supposedly helps fight against cancer and beetroot also increases the uptake of oxygen by as much as 400 percent.

The purple or red pigment in beetroot has been shown to increase and normalise cell respiration and the oxygen-based energy production within cells. For this reason alone, beetroot is one of the key foods in preventing as well as curing cancer. It is equally important in the treatment of other degenerative diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome that are all characterised by reduced cell respiration. .

The active ingredient in beetroot is called betacyanin with two carbonyl groups. What happens when cellular energy is produced through the oxidation of nutrients is that electrons and hydrogen ions are transferred onto the inhaled oxygen to produce water and energy. In cancer cells and with chronic fatigue the respiratory enzymes that accomplish this transfer have been diminished or destroyed.

The colour pigment in beetroot (and other purple food) strongly binds electrons and hydrogen and with this can reactivate the production of cellular oxidative energy. Research has shown that the respiration of cancer cells can be completely normalised by a combination of beetroot, raw fermented food and vitamin C. The multiplication of cancer cells would thus stop, and tumours become non-virulent. Clinical tests using beetroot with cancer patients revealed that often tumours regressed and disappeared.

買紅菜頭的時候,要買重身,外表深紫紅和外皮光滑飽滿(方便用刀削去外皮)。最好買到連beet top (即其莖和葉),因其莖和葉的營養價值比紅菜頭本身更高!


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