會計入賬 - 支票銀碼有誤

2008-05-24 5:42 pm
2008年會費 $200,有會員開出支票 $250,及後聲稱不用退回餘額。

其中 $200 會入 2008 Membership Fee。

問題︰餘下的 $50 將要如何記帳 (2009年未必要交會費及不排除會員會在將來取回有關餘額)

回答 (5)

2008-05-24 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Should be Membership Fee Received in Advance.
This will be reflected as Current Liability until this is either recognised in the Membership Fee Income in future or being claimed back by the member. If the member claims back this amount, simply Dr. this account and Cr. Bank.
2008-05-24 6:49 pm
2008-05-24 6:44 pm
餘下的 $50 將要在預收帳記帳, 或入暫記帳.
2008-05-24 6:01 pm

1. 幫個會員開個current account (就好似Law firm幫客開client account咁!)
Dr Bank (Asset)
Cr Client Account (Liability)

2. 用revenue in advance, 但要留意deferred tax issue.
Dr Bank (Asset)
Cr Revenue in Advance (Liability)

到下一個financial year, 睇情況, 再reverse返個$50出o黎!
參考: 經驗
2008-05-24 5:51 pm
入other income, 如到時收噃, 味入Menbership fee discount

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:36:47
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