[急]幫幫手!我要作篇文,,關於anti-social behaviour(社會問題)~

2008-05-24 4:07 pm
我要寫1篇 關於argument about anti-socail behaviour .. so 要搵1面好ge方面~ 同壞 ge 方面!~

我想搵d好ge方面.. e.g 可以 write about how many well behaved teenages are unfairly accused of being jobs.~ or 其他!

但系我搵吾到~~ 有冇人可以幫我呀!!~

please 用英文答拉 因為系英文作文!! thxthx~~

姐系搵D 關於好GE青少年 做緊JOB時系好行為-.- 差5多甘掛-.- 其實我都吾知=.= 我只系想搵D 關於青少年都有佢地好GE方面-_- ''

回答 (1)

2008-05-24 9:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i would like to give you some ideas, however, I do not get to understand what you meant by :

write about how many well behaved teenages are unfairly accused of being jobs.

(can you also explain that in chinese?)

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