YAHOO拍賣!賣野俾美國人, 係咪呃人嫁?

2008-05-24 8:29 am
我個拍賣係賣牛仔褲既, 突然有個美國人e-mail同我講話佢要買成40條牛仔褲wor~
佢話要銀行過數喎, 咁都無所謂啦,佢問我既a/c no. 我都俾左佢,
過幾日佢話佢俾左錢啦喎, 又有一個由bank of america既 email sd過黎, 話只要我寄左俾個買家, 俾個tracking no. 俾佢, 咁我就可 以收到錢, 佢係咪呃人嫁?!因為d 貨都幾貴下仲要俾左郵資先...佢封信係咁講嫁

> >
> > Am Raifu Mikel from usa and i want to buy your item for
> > my marketer in africa and i promise to add extra $200USD
> > due to the
> > urgency and am making the payment through bank transfer.
> > pls kindly use
> > your personal email to reply to my email at
> > [email protected]
> > if i have contacted you before pls reply me to this email
> > given to you
> > because am having a serious prob with my yahoo mail do not
> > reply there
> > any more and let me know how many of this item that you
> > have.
> >
> > Thanks..

email add.係呢個: [email protected]
而佢銀行果個email就好長,唔方便post晒出黎, 但佢又有logo, 好似好真咁..有幾段仲係咁寫:
You can go ahead and ship out your buyer's item{s} and send Bank of America the shipment tracking number in order to activate your bank account within the next 24 hours time and to finish the final process for us to transfer your full money into your bank account,you will receive your money as soon as you have send us the tracking number or a scanned copy of the shipment receipt ,You will have to ship the item to the shipping address provided by the buyer.
The order has been APPROVED, you CAN NOW ship the merchandise to the buyer's shipping address. You are expected to make the shipment with 48 hours of receiving this Transfer Payment Approval Notification and get to our Transfer department/Technical Dept. with the tracking number for Shipment Verification.

我知係有呢間銀行, 但我驚既係個email係假嫁, 究竟我應唔應該寄俾個買家呀?

回答 (6)

2008-05-24 3:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我亦不敢肯定是真是假, 但覺得十分有問題.
1) 你可sd email給 buyer, 同樣要求佢提供給你: 銀行滙單copy.
你根本不須理會中間銀行, 拿著滙單copy去香港bank of america查問.
2) 你可將bank of america整封email(連logo)列印下來, 親自拿去銀行查証真假.
3) 及問銀行是否有幫客人以這種方式付款服務.
如以上三項都[過關], 我想ok吧,
如其一非也, 小心駛得萬年船呀!
2009-01-22 5:09 pm


2008-05-28 6:56 am
2008-05-24 7:20 pm
哩個人都有add到我 ..叫我幫佢買10部手提電話 ..
我作左個假戶口號碼出黎 ..仲要個名用我個英文名kelly ..
我冇比全名佢 ..佢乜都唔問話咁快就比左二十萬我,
之後我冇理到佢 ..之後佢咪又係冇搵我!!
唔好信呀~實假架!! 邊有銀行e-mail得咁快呀 ...

2008-05-24 11:21:19 補充:
參考: 自己
2008-05-24 8:47 am
個email係假嫁, 您不應該寄俾個買家呀.
2008-05-24 8:38 am


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