HE野...想將越南春卷食譜轉英文(急) THZ

2008-05-24 7:16 am

春卷汁 : (所有材料拌勻即成)
糖 1 湯匙
白醋 / 檸檬汁 2 湯匙
豉油 / 魚露 2 湯匙
紅蘿蔔絲 少許
水 1-2 湯匙 (來稀釋沾汁,慢慢加入試味)
蒜粒 1 湯匙 (選擇性)
紅辣椒 1 隻 (選擇性)
芫茜 少許 (選擇性)

春卷餡材料 :
板豆腐 (嫩豆腐) 半磚
粉絲 五0 克
冬菇 3 隻
紅蘿蔔絲 半杯
木耳絲 半杯
紹菜 / 黃芽白絲 1 杯
九層塔 少許 (選擇性)
薄荷葉 少許 (選擇性)

生菜葉 數片

糖 1 茶匙
鹽 1 茶匙
麻油 少許
胡椒粉 少許

做法 :
熱鍋落油,放入所有材料 (除豆腐外) 炒香,加入調味料炒勻,上碟備用
在有深度的大圓碟裡倒入室溫水,取一張米紙浸在水裡約 30 秒,變軟之後取出

回答 (1)

2008-05-24 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Vietnamese Spring Roll

Sauce (Just a mixture of the following ingredients):
Sugar – 1 Tablespoon
Vinegar/Lemon Juice – 2 Tablespoons
Soy sauce/ Fish sauce – 2 Tablespoons
Carrots slices
Water – 1-2 Tablespoons (add gradually to neutralize the taste)
Minced garlic – 1 Tablespoons (optional)
Red pepper – 1 (optional)
Cilantro (optional)

For the Spring Roll:
Soft tofu – ½ a piece
Bean threat – 50g
Mushrooms – 3 pieces
Carrots slices – ½ cup
Dry fungus – ½ cup
Chinese cabbage (slices) – 1 cup
Basil (optional)
Mint (optional)
Iceberg lettuce – several pieces
Thin rice paper for Vietnamese spring roll

Sugar – 1 teaspoon
Salt – 1 teaspoon
Sesame oil

1.Put the mushrooms and dry fungus into separate bowls of water and until they are softened and put it aside for later use.
2.Cut the bean threat into smaller portion, also put into water and put it aside for later use.
3.Thoroughly clean the carrots and Chinese cabbage, cut into slices, and put it aside for later use.
4.After adding oil in a frying pan, put all the ingredients (besides the tofu) into the pan until oil is hot, also add marinates, stir fry thoroughly, then put it on a plate and let it cool down.
5.Use paper towel to soak the water from the tofu, then smash it into smaller pieces, mix it with other ingredients.
6.Pour water (at room temperature) into a deep bowl, take a rice paper and soak it into the water for 30 seconds, take it out until it’s softened.
7.Place the soaked rice paper onto a place that is covered with paper towel, put the ingredients on the rice paper, and wrap it up.
8.Use medium heat to heat up the oil, put the spring roll and deep fry it until it is golden brown. Then turn up the heat to high to squeeze the extra oil out the spring rolls. Place the cooked spring roll on a paper towel to soak the oil.
參考: From my poor english

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