英文短講,(~1 min)

2008-05-24 3:37 am
唔該俾我幾個main point~~~愈多愈好!!!!!!!
1.}Animals I like/dislike
2.}The four seasons of Hong Kong
3.}My hobby/hobbies
4.}Popular eating places in Hong Kong

回答 (1)

2008-05-24 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.}Animals I like
-can play with people
-can catch the robbers

2.}The four seasons of Hong Kong
-it has much humid
-a little bit cool
-eating ice-cream
-flying the kite
-go hiking
-eat hotpot
-open the heater
-My hobby/hobbies
-because it can make me know more knoelage
-because it can make me healthy
-listen to music
-because it is very relaxing
Popular eating places in Hong Kong
-the 燒鵝 are very delicious,expeclly the skins,it is very cripsy


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