Urgent: Investment (投資)

2008-05-24 1:12 am
Any suggestion of investment plan (low/middle risk taker, can lock the money
from 1 to 3 months). Just want to earn more interest than the bank.

回答 (1)

2008-05-24 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can try PRINCIPAL PROTECTED SHARK FIN product offered by the bank. For example, you are bearish on CAD against USD. In the product, the strike (S) rate and knock out (KO) rate are fixed, for example, stirke at 0.9800 and knock out at 1.0400. In coming 3-month, if USD/CAD trades at 1.0400, then you will have guaranteed interest rate at 0.5% p.a.. However, if USD/CAD does not trade KO (1.0400) and at maturity, the interest rate would be depended on USD/CAD fixing rate (F) at maturity, for example, it fixed at 1.0200. The interest rate would be calculated by the formula: (F-S)/S * 100% *12/3, in our example, it would be (1.0200-0.9800)/0.9800*100%*12/3= 12.24% p.a.. However, if it fixes below S (0.9800), then youwill only get back the principal without any interest. Even though you will bear the risk of no interest and 0.5% interest, but your potentail maximum interest is 24.45% p.a.( Do you know how to calculate it?)

2008-05-23 17:35:59 補充:
low risk investment as you will not lose your principal.

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