
2008-05-23 11:59 pm
My favorite way to spend a weekend is gathering with my family. However, I always need to work during the weekend, and I am just finished my final exam, so I didn't spend too much time with my family. Now, I have finished my exam, I am planning to spend more time with my family, especially I will visit my granddad and grandma.

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2008-05-24 12:49 am
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My favorite way to spend a weekend is gathering with my family. However, I always need to work during XtheX weekend(s) X,X (.) (And) and I XamX (have) just finished my final exam(ination)X,X (.) (So) so I Xdidn'tX (have not) XspendX (spent) XtooX much time with my family. Now, I have finished my examX,X (.) I am planning to spend more time with my familyX,X (.) XespeciallyX (For example,) I will visit my XgranddadX (grandpa) and grandma.

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