肺X-Ray report 的解釋

2008-05-23 10:50 pm
肺照了 x ray 之後 , 份 report 係咁 , 醫生只係話氣管敏感同開了 d 消炎藥食 , 但查番字典 , 好似要另外做乳頭 d 檢查 , 有 d 擔心, 未再睇多次醫生前, 希望有人幫忙可以解釋一下, thank you 你 !!

Chest P.A.

The heart is not enlarged.
The mediastinal structures are unremarkable.
No evidence of active disease is seen in the lung fields.
The pulmonary vasculatures are normal.
The costo-phrenic angles are clear.
The ribs and sheletal structures show no bony abnormalities.

Two small symmetrical nodular densities are seen in the lover chest, one on each side. The size and position of the nodules are probably nipple shadows. However, it would be prudent to confirm this by repeating the examination with nipple markers.

Impression: Nodular densities in the lower chest are probably nipple shadows. A repeat examination with nipple markers is suggested.

回答 (1)

2008-05-24 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Report度,建意repeat多1張肺 X光連乳頭標指,以確保無其他問題。
你可找另一個Dr 去confirm及repeat多1次X光片。但99.9%結果喺正常。

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 12:42:14
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