Stay in Sydney wt to do?

2008-05-23 8:28 pm
if i am going to sydney for 4 days,
where can i go and ow can i get there?
is sydney airport far?

回答 (4)

2008-05-28 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
I had went to Sydney on mid of March. I had 2 and half day to walk around. China town, Opera House, The Rock, Sydney Bridge, Darling Harbour and Sydney Tower are very famous and many HKG / China people around you. You can go there by train or on foot is quite convenience, too.

And, I spent one day went to Targona Zoo. You can take the ferry from Circle Quay. You can found Kangaroo, Koala or others animals there. There have a beautiful bay beside the zoo.

You can take a guild book at the airport also. This book have many information for eat and play also.
2008-05-25 7:35 am
last time, i went to sydney for 4days-4nights in August

day 1-- i arrived sydney at night so i juz had dinner and went back to hotel

day 2-- i visited city area, e.g. the QVB, China Town, habour bridge, opera house, rock market (it was a Satuarday), King's cross, etc [besides king's cross, every place is near to each other]

day 3-- i went to blue mountain by myself

day 4--i visited some museums and some famous gardens

day 5-- i went to fish market in the morning (i left sydney before noon)

*you can also go to the beach or have a boat trip ;-)
參考: myself
2008-05-24 12:24 am
機場有巴士出各大酒店 ka lak.
另外, 在 sydney 市中心遊玩時. 有隻叫 city explorer 既巴士. 個個景點都停. 可全面玩晒成個 sydney ka la. 買左 3 days pass 之後. 幾時上落車都得.
我上次坐過. 真係好方便. 唔使特登去某處買飛 ka la. 上車搵司機買得 ka lak. 分1日, 3日, 7日飛. 咁當然越長越抵啦.
2008-05-23 8:34 pm
You can go to Darling harbour, very close to China town.
Also, you can visit the Opera house and Sydney bridge.
Hunter Valley is also a good place, you can taste the wine without any charge but need three hours drive.
Fish market also a good place, ionly 15 mintues drive from Central , salmon fish are very good taster and cost is cheapter than HK.

Sydney airport is not far. If you take train, only 20 minutes to Central.

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