elements with no IONS

2008-05-23 8:23 pm
Carbon Sillicon Boron
同埋所有 nobel gas 都無 ion﹖

請問還有其他元素是沒有 ion 的﹖

回答 (2)

2008-05-23 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
particles tend to get stable structure.
group i and ii elements will tend to lose electrons to form ions.
group vi and vii elements will tend to gain electrons to
form ions.
carbon and silicon are group iv elements. gain or lose
electrons make them become very unstable.
so they tend to form covalent bond with other elements.
noble gas has got stable octet structure(except helium)
. so they will not form ion easily.
though boron is group iii element, they will form covalent
bond with other element. because the charge density is very
high if boron lose 3 electrons to form ions.
2008-05-24 1:50 am
1粒atom被叫為ions係因為佢gain/loss electrons.

carbon sillicon 同 boron 都係group IV elements.

佢地組成compound時唔會lose electrons


而noble gas 係 full in eletrons in the outermost shell.

所以就算佢地有compound 佢地都唔係ions(因為stable=唔會lose electrons)
參考: by myself

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