邊到有 完全免費 軟件下載

2008-05-23 3:44 pm
邊到有 完全免費 軟件下載
唔係 only 30 日試用果D
例如防毒, dvd player, virtual cd-rom, frontpage...

你比個軟件名我/ url 我去dl


回答 (3)

2008-05-24 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
防毒: AVG , avast!
Virtual cd-rom: Daemon Tool
DVD Player:Windows Media Player , Zoom Player
網頁: dirhtml
俾名你自己搵,其實你上網打 Freeware,會有好多選擇俾你,你上download.com,如果你唔熟software,或者懶睇英文,都比較難搵
參考: 自己
2008-06-01 3:57 pm
2008-05-23 6:50 pm
Please try to find the required software from the website below. Many of them are freeware.

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