
2008-05-23 6:11 am

回答 (2)

2008-05-26 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
澳洲旅遊、讀書、移民和置業的首選應是黃金海岸(Gold Coast),共有4個主題公園及靚海灘。有不少日本人、台灣人在當地置業,這是一個充滿熱鬧、富有和渡假氣氛的地方。由於當地人富有,所以樓價有排升!氣候温和,冬天不覺冬,兼且治安好。總之,好過柏斯.阿德雷得.雪梨。
參考: 自己的親身經歷
2008-05-26 6:34 am
I live in sydney for 7 years, I only encountered once as discrimination in a prestige suburb.

I think a very important thing you can do is that, not to programme your mind about how serious the discrimination might be, very often it depends in your own mind, if you think discm. is everywhere, then you will most likely see everyone discriminate.

And one more tip, is that. those people only choose who to discriminate when you allow them.

in my only experience, the old man was huge and strong, and I am pretty tiny, he pointed his finger at me, and has raised his arm, to get ready to hit me to some extend, I stood up for myself, and told him, I would not back off, and if he decided to hit me, there will be enough eyes to witness and i can guarantee him he will be in trouble for sure.

He finally walked away with furiosity, but at least I think if everyone did what I did to him, (which is not allowing him to do so) and set firm boundary, he would think twice next time to do so.

hope it helps.
參考: self experience

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