
2008-05-23 5:59 am

回答 (3)

2008-05-24 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
你經常想發達都唔係錯,在現今社會生存是非財不行的.不過,發達唔係空想就得,都要有才智,有學識,才能夠在社會立足,先在某一行業站穩腳步發展才有機會發達呀, 所以現在都係用心讀書提高自己學識為先!
參考: 我的意見
2008-05-25 8:06 pm
It must be a difficult time for you right now. First I think you are very brave to share with us your feelings.

I think the most important thing for you to do, is to find someone who can listen to your feelings, for example social worker at school, or teachers that you trust. Someone that you think she or he can support you emotionally.

Right now it is not to FIX anything, but just to make yourself comfortable in this feeling.

If you like reading, find a book that can uplift you and teach you how to be yourself, or books like that.

Learn how to relax is another important skill. You might not know what to do now, but it is perfectly ok, one step at a time, trust that guidance will show up, it maybe an advice from a teacher, or a message from a book, or even through your own reflections.

I found this very helpful for myself especially when I was most frightened, and worried, and most puzzled of not knowing what to do.

good luck.
參考: self experience
2008-05-23 6:54 am
聽下人地講d咩..之後點下頭 笑下。
如果人地接受你 咁你可以同佢地慢慢熟絡
千萬唔好自大 , 亂鬧人 。
或者係你自己形住有d野 , 但係可能無 , anyway 唔好咁擔心
捱埋呢兩三年佢, 考好d個會考 。
同學 , 畢左業之後就會失去 如果你覺得無野值得你留戀既 , 考完會考都會過去 ,到時在搵一個適合自己既地方。

至於家人 , 你可唔可以詳細 d描述一下...

2008-05-22 22:58:02 補充:
[email protected]
參考: , myself

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