about english tense

2008-05-23 4:19 am
which of the following is/are OK?

1. he played football yesterday
2. he was played football yesterday
3. he was playing football yesterday
4. he was play football yesterday

which sentence(s) has mistake?
when should we use the above sentences?

回答 (2)

2008-05-23 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Only the first one is expressing what you intend to express.
1. He played football yesterday.

2. He was played football yesterday. [wrong]
* grammer mistake: [was verb+ed] is a passive voice, yet he played football is an active action
* you cannot use [was played] because you can never be played by someone or something

3. He was playing football yesterday.
* grammer correct
* but this sentence is not expressing the idea that you want to express
* you can say this sentence when you want to say he was playING football DURING A PERIOD OF TIME
For example,
A: What was he doing at 3 pm yesterday?
B: He was playing football yesterday.
* but when you just want to say he DID a thing yesterday, you dont have to use past continuous tense

4. He was play football yesterday. [wrong]
* grammer mistake:
past (passive voice): was verb ed
past continuous: was verb ing
* but in this case, again, you cannot use passive voice
2008-05-23 4:23 am
he played football yesterday is correct,sentence 2. is wrong at was and played we won't put two past tense in one sentence.
參考: from the books

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