
2008-05-22 10:43 pm
請問除左issue , problem , question , difficulty之外 , 仲有什麼英文字可以解(問題) ? 可列出多5個嗎?

但係 , 呢5個都可以與wrestle with , deal with , cope with 可以一齊用. for example , deal with the problem .

回答 (4)

2008-05-23 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Trouble
2. Concern
3. Obstacle
4. Crisis
5. Matter
參考: my knowledge
2008-05-23 1:37 am
1. case
2. matter
3. affair
4. event
5. situation

2008-05-22 10:57 pm
Question (n) :

Synonyms: query, inquiry, interrogation, request, demand, enquiry

Synonyms: problem, difficulty, issue, subject, matter, point at issue

Antonym: resolution

Synonyms: uncertainty, doubt, reservation, query, question mark, anxiety, hesitation

Antonym: certainty

2008-05-22 10:54 pm
1. trouble

2. mishap

3. matter
Example: a private matter; money matters

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