想問:搭錯車or 上錯車的英文係點講架..?

2008-05-22 9:36 pm
想問:搭錯車or 上錯車的英文係點講架..?

pls help...

回答 (9)

2008-05-22 10:07 pm
搭錯車=take a wrong car
上錯車=ascend wrong car

Hope this can help you!
參考: myself
2008-05-24 9:43 pm
I took(past tense of take) the wrong (bus/taxi/mtr)
2008-05-23 10:29 pm
搭錯車/ 上錯車
You could say :
get on the wrong car/train/bus
catch the wrong car/train/bus
參考: myself
2008-05-23 9:14 pm
well, usually people say took the wrong bus for 搭錯車 and got on the wrong bus for 上錯車.
2008-05-23 8:28 pm
「take a wrong bus」喺意思上正確,但文法應該係「take THE wrong bus」,這說法亦可用於日常英語會話沒問題 (不會被取笑的)。

如果你係事後想解釋俾人聴,應用 simple past tense:「I took THE wrong bus」;
如果你係仲喺車上面想話俾司機聽要落車,應用 present perfect tense:「I have taken THE wrong bus」
參考: personal opinion
2008-05-22 11:47 pm
I think you are trying to explain why you were late, or failed to keep the
appointment with someone.

You just tell him/her that you boarded the wrong car.
It doesn't matter it is a bus, a tram or a train. It is a public vehicle, that's all.

搭錯車 or 上錯車,英語直譯,就是 to board the wrong car 了。
2008-05-22 10:32 pm
take the wrong bus.
參考: self
2008-05-22 9:57 pm
got on the wrong bus
caught the wrong train
2008-05-23 4:27 am
get on the wrong bus

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