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who can last till the end of day with me?
冇問題 要分析 冇問題
首先,要分析 詞性先。
"last"係可以係副詞(Adverb), 亦可以係名詞(Noun), 動詞(Verb);
而 "till" 可以係連接詞(conjunction), 亦可以係名詞, 副詞, 動詞, 或者係介詞 (preposition)。
由於詞性多, 這句句子唔同解釋:
唔知你既meaning 係邊個,不過我都有解釋俾你跟番邊個係你既意思。
而家"last"係動詞, 而 "till" 係 介詞。E句咁就冇問題。
Formula: 介詞後面
介詞+ 名詞/ 動名詞(Gerund)/ 名詞從句 (Noun clause)
而"last"而家係動詞,應該要放係情態動詞(Model Verb)後面
情態動詞即係:can, could, should, must, will, would 等等
而家"last"係 "can"後面絕對冇錯。
句子依然冇文化錯誤,不過要小心,好多人既careless mistakes:
eg1. I will also arrange unique scene in this movie.------(對)
I also will arrange unique scene in this movie.------(錯)
eg2) who can last till the end of day with me?------------(對)
who last can till the end of day with me?------------(錯)
希望可以幫到你 ^^
2008-05-22 21:57:41 補充:
one of day (錯)--------> one of the days
One of 的用法: of後面一定有the ,後面要再跟總數名詞(Plural Form)。