
2008-05-22 11:12 am
cookies點做? please in english

回答 (2)

2008-05-23 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
牛油曲奇 Piped Butter Cookies
The material (six dozen components) the butter 170 grams young sugars
1/2 cup of eggs half cloud takes the sesame oil 1/2 teaspoon of almond
sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon of bread flour 2 cups of milks 1 soupspoon to
send the powder 1/2 teaspoon of apparatus

Qu Chichi mouth set of manufactures processes

1. preheating stoves 200 C. After
2. cows oil chamberssoften mix evenly with the sugar, join the egg, the sesame oil, the
milk mix evenly again. Sieves into the bread flour to mix evenly the
fried glutinous rice cake, the speech enters Qu Chichi the mouth to
squirt the affection shape to enter the stove 10 minutes.


1. Qu Ch'i remembers must put coolly on the steel frame,
otherwise is not crisp. 2. if fried glutinous rice cake too soft,
coca 1 to 2 soupspoon bread flour, if the fried glutinous rice cake
too is hard, then adds 1 to 2 soupspoon milks
2008-05-22 9:16 pm

Chocolate cookie

8 oz bitterweet chocolate, finely chopped
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened dutch-process cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon coarse salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1 1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/3 cup whole milk
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup confectioners' sugar

1. preheat oven at 350F. melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring. Set aside and let cool. Sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking posder and salt in a medium bowl; set aside

2. mix butter and brown sugar on medium speed until pale and fluffy, 2 to 3 mins. mix in eggs and vanilla, and then the melted chocolate. Reduce speed to low; mix in flour mixture in 2 batches, alternating with the milk. Divide dough into 4 equal pieces. Wrap each in plastic; refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours

3. Divide each piece into 16(1-inch) balls. Roll in granulated sugar to coat, then in confectioners' sugar to coat. Space 2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.

4. Bake until surfaces crack, about 14 min. Let cool on sheets on wire racks. Cookies can be stored between layers parchment in airtight containers up to 3 days

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