英文~ Gammer問題

2008-05-22 8:52 am
Article 同埋 Determine係gammer 裹係咪同一個意思?


回答 (2)

2008-05-22 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可以這樣說,determiner(限定詞)(不是determine)是大集,而article是小集,意思是說,article(冠詞)只不過是determiner的一部份,其實article就只有:a, an和the這三個字
a, an, the, my, your, his, this, that, some, many, twenty等等

2008-05-22 2:33 pm
In grammer, an article is a word that you put in front of a noun. For example, the, a, an.

For determine, I only know it as a verb which means 决定

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