英文問題~~all rights reserved

2008-05-22 8:14 am
all rights reserved 是否 noun +adjective
還是noun + past participle?

為甚麼不要轉passive sentance 啊?即be reserved

thank you

回答 (2)

2008-05-23 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實all rights reserved大約和標語相似,凡標語等都會將一些字眼省略,如:article, verb to be等,好像:
同樣道理,all rights reserved也是將verb to be省略,全句應為
all rights are reserved.

2008-05-22 23:44:19 補充:
all rights are reserved是被動語氣,若用主動語氣是:We reserves all rights.(我們保留所有權利)
2008-05-22 9:03 pm
“All rights reserved” is a phrase that originated in copyright law as part of copyright notices. Copyright law in most countries no longer requires such notices, but the phrase persists. The original understanding of the phrase as relating specifically to copyright may have been supplanted by common usage of the phrase to refer to any legal right, although it is probably understood to refer at least to copyright.
In former times, it was required to add the term All rights reserved as a written notice that all rights granted under existing copyright law (i.e., the right to publish a work within a specific area) are retained by the copyright holder and that legal action may be taken against infringement. It was required as a result of the Buenos Aires Convention of 1910 which mandated that some statement of reservation of rights be made in order to secure protection in signatory countries of the convention.
若果 All rights reserved 是 noun + adjective 為甚麼沒 verb 呢?
因為這是一個 phrase (片語、慣用語),正如中文的「版權所有」一樣,是沒有動詞的。Does it make any sense?


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