Problems connecting my Powershot A60 to computer.?

2008-05-22 4:30 am
I dont have the installation cd with me. I tried downloading the WIA driver utility for A60 from the Canon site. When I open it, a window pops up and says:

Update Canon Camera drivers
1. Connect camera to the computer.
2. If the event dialog box or software is displayed, exit.
3. Click the [OK] button.

Then when I click the OK button, the WIA freezes. If i click Cancel it says:

Canceling Canon Camera Driver update
If you want to run the update again, please select the following items:
start menu>all programs>canon utilities>canon camera WIA driver>Update driver.

Can someone please help me. Is there no other way to connect my camera to the computer if I dont have the installation cd with me?


回答 (1)

2008-05-22 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
You go through no hardship at all if you use a card reader to download the photos (from a memory card). It needs no software (to download the photos)--just get the one that works with USB 2.

If you buy a card reader, get one that can read all types (Compact flash, SD, etc.) so you can read just about any cards.

Something like this:

Something else to consider. When you download the photos from the camera--it drains the power--and the battery can be charged just about so many times until it needs to be replaced.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 01:16:50
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