Do anyone know what is this number come from???

2008-05-22 6:51 am
is this just for send message number???? or any else???
can anyone know can tell me~!!!!thanks very much....

回答 (2)

2008-05-23 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
19688613798316320 是撥電話的一組號碼。
1968 = "3"網絡提供的長途電話撥號
86 = 國家編號 (中國)
13798316320 = 手提電話號碼 (137字頭,即中國移動的)
國際電話 : 1968 + 國家編號 + 地區字頭 + 電話號碼
2008-05-22 6:48 pm
This is a set of number call "locking code"
In some tv programs they need this kind of LOCK to protect their benefit by not letting hackers to view the program without paying.
但信可由 computer genius 用解碼器解除, 反而, 出售非法解碼器.讓他們賺一大筆錢,
參考: Self

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