我想問下呢個題目點解咩-going to movie can help student learn more?

2008-05-22 3:24 am
我想問下呢個題目點解咩-going to movie can help student learn more?請問有冇英文高手教教小弟=口="

回答 (2)

2008-05-22 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
going to movie can help student to learn more ?=
看電影能幫助學生學更多的知識 ma???

If you need to write an essay, I think you should say YES.

say your view point (yes or no)
brief description

Content: (1 to 2 points)
-why can it helps students to learn more?
---- english movie = learn more english vocabularies, practise the English speaking skills by listening to what the actors say.

----- some movies may bring out an idea to educate the people, like treasure your families, no pain no gain, etc.
(** give some examples of the movie)

{{ The Day after tomorrow}} --> pollution problem and global warming!!!!

say your view point again
conclude all your points
參考: me!!
2008-05-22 3:40 am

* 睇戲點樣令學生學到野呢?
* 或反呢點﹐ 學生睇戲學不到什麼。

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