How to square root a matrix?

2008-05-22 1:12 am
How to square root a matrix?

回答 (3)

2008-05-22 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Example of a matrix equation. The variable A in the matrix equation below represents an entire matrix.

Since we know how to add and subtract matrices, we just have to do an entry-by-entry addition to find the value of the matrix A .
Practice Problems
Solve the matrix equation below.
2008-05-23 11:54 am
matrix 中無一樣野叫 square root
[ square 就有 ]

你想問 "square root"
一個 p x q 既 matrix
佢個 "square root" 係咩樣呀?

p x m & m x q?

就算 square matrix p x p
咁你個 "square root" matrix 都可能有幾款

2 x 2 做例子
(0 1) (0 1) = (0 0)
(0 0) (0 0) (0 0)

(0 0) (0 0) = (0 0)
(1 0) (1 0) (0 0)

咁我問你 (0 0) "square root" 係咩你點答?
(0 0)

[ 係, 我係取巧, zero matrix 係 symmetric ]

請 set 返 pxp 咁多條 eqt 去 solve
2008-05-22 6:11 am
Example of a matrix equation. The variable A in the matrix equation below represents an entire matrix.

Since we know how to add and subtract matrices, we just have to do an entry-by-entry addition to find the value of the matrix A .
Practice Problems
Solve the matrix equation below.
參考: abc

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