可唔可以教下我點答下面條interview question - staff retention strategie?

2008-05-21 11:35 pm
Currently, many companies begin to think about their staff retention strategies when it is too late. Being a Supervisor / Manager of Human Resource Department, what are the strategies that you think to foster corporate loyalty and nurture a sense of commitment to realize long-term benefits. Please try to draft a proposal to Management for the coming action.

Thanks a lots!

回答 (1)

2008-05-28 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Proposal for Staff Retention Strategies

To: The Management Team
From: HR Manager
Date: 27 May 2008
This proposal will outline the strategies for staff retention in our Company.

1. Make our company a great place to work

We should provide a nice environment for our staff, which mean comfortable seating, hot and cold drinks and reasonable washroom facilities. It's also good to foster team spirit by arranging birthday parties and dinners to acknowledge the year's achievements. We can also provide our staff with better benefits, for example, group medical insurance and performance bonus

2. Training and development

We will invest in our staff and support their personal development. We can begin training with a formal induction programme, follow up with other steps to further staff development.

3. Good Management

The Management in our Company should be visible, approachable and available – we should be open to listen to their suggestions and concerns.
We can have monthly meeting to share update development of the Company with our staff

4. Share our Vision with Staff

If our staff know the mission and vision of our Company, and also understand more about their role, they will have more incentive to get the job done well.


HR Manager

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