急翻譯做英文 !!!不要翻譯機 !!! 不要聰明筆!!!唔該唔該

2008-05-21 8:13 pm

回答 (10)

2008-05-21 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. thankyou for your comment. can you explain more detail
about the content of the game.
2. the kind of trousers and shirts are not enough now.
3. we will be busy from 23rd onwards. so the competition
has to be delayed to June.
2008-05-22 2:59 am
1.Thankyou for your comment. can you explain more detail about the content of the game.

2.The kind of trousers and shirts are not enough now.

3. We will be busy from 23rd onwards. so the competition has to be delayed
to June.
2008-05-22 12:35 am
1)Thanks you give our opinion, what otherwise detailed somewhat narrate this game content.

2) Now our trousers funds and the shirt all compare the position to lack.

3) 23th start to be able quite to be busy, therefore this competition must retard to June may carry on first.
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-05-22 12:27 am
Thanks for your comment on us. Can you explain to us in detail about the content of the game?

There are not too many kinds of trousers and shirts available right now.

Commencing from 23, it will be busier than usual. As such, proceeding of the game has to be postponed to June.
2008-05-22 12:20 am
1) I would like to thank you for giving us advice, how about some detail whether this game.

2) now our trousers, and shirts are a bit lacking.

3) 23, starting would be more busy, so this game should be delayed until June first Can be conducted.
參考: myself__hope to help you =]
2008-05-22 12:17 am
1) Thank you for your advice. Please give me some more details on the content of the game.
2) Our shirts and trousers are now in shortage.
3) Our peak season begins on 23. As a result, the competition should be postponed till June.
參考: my brain
2008-05-21 11:50 pm
1) Thank you for your comments. Could you advise us in detail the particular of this game?

2) We are not short of trousures and shirts.

3) The competition has to be delayed until June as it will be busy since 23.
參考: myself
2008-05-21 9:13 pm
1. Thanks for your suggestions. Can you give me further details about the game?

2. There are shortage of our trousers and shirt right now.

3. The competition will postpone to June, coz I'm so busy after 23rd May.
2008-05-21 8:44 pm
1) Thanks a lot for your suggestion,can you detailed descript about this game?

2) Our trousers and T-shirts are too lack right now

3) After 23th we will so busy,so this competition will delay,and about June, this compition will be start

hope can help you
2008-05-21 8:36 pm
1...thank you for you suggestion, can you explain about the game more
3...we will busy start from 23this month, so this competition have to delay to

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