(5/21)- 急翻譯做英文 ~~不要翻譯機 !! 唔該哂 ~

2008-05-21 7:33 pm
工廠告知由於大貨訂單所用的主嘜/洗水嘜/掛牌上均有印上 R (此為表示此牌子為註冊商標 ) ~~因此, 請通知客人必須提供商標証明書給我司以便走貨前供中國海關查看及申請相關文件 ~否則,所有大貨將不能出口外國。

回答 (4)

2008-05-21 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The factory has advised us that the chief brand tag/washable brand tag/hanging tag of the major batch of purchase orders must be printed with the word "R" (it means that the brand has been under a trademark registration) ~ As such, please inform the customer to submit us with a copy of the trademark registration certificate , to enable us to provide the said relevant documents to the China Customs for the trademark verification before the products can be dispatched ~ otherwise, the main batch of products can't be shipped to foreign countries.

2008-05-28 12:23:19 補充:
The last sentenece amended as :

Otherwise, the main batch of products can't be exported to other foreign countries.
2008-05-22 9:36 pm
The factory has notified us “R” trademarks are printed on the cargo orders. Please inform your customers that Certificate of Registration should be provided to our company for the purpose of the custom check-up and application for relevant documents. Otherwise, all cargos are forbidden to be exported.
2008-05-22 12:50 am
Because of the factory impartation the big goods order form uses in the host ma/washing water ma/license has in India R (this for to express this sign for registered trademark) ~~ therefore, please inform the visitor to have to provide the trademark certificate for me front to take charge of otherwise in order to transport goods for the Chinese Customs examination and application related
document ~ all big goods will not be able to export the foreign country.
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-05-22 12:22 am
Inform the factory goods orders due to the use of the main Mark / Water Mark / are listed on the printed on R (this is that this brand is a registered trademark) ~ ~ So, please let guests must provide a certificate to the trademark I go to the Secretary for cargo Chinese Customs for the former view and apply for relevant documents to Otherwise, all the goods will not be able to export overseas
參考: myself__hope to help you =]

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